Chat Rooms & Forums

Chat rooms can be an educational and fun way to make new friends. That being said, keep in mind these are open forums, therefore, we do not necessarily agree with or endorse the views of all participants. Most (although not all) of them are Christian themed, but still use discernment with anyone you may encounter.

By entering these rooms, you agree to abide by the rules of conduct governing each individual room.

Remember, although these rooms are all designed to share with, and learn from, others, they should never be used as a substitute for your own personal Bible study, or involvement in a solid, Bible believing church. We also encourage you to read this excellent article on Chat Room Safety and Addiction, as well as this article on Sharing your faith in chat rooms

Happy chatting!

Renewal Forum-This is our forumm, a Charismatic oriented room, dedicated to studying the work of the Holy Spirit in the world today.

Bible Place Bible study chat

Christian Chat Net

Christian Chat UK

Christian Fellowship Online

Christian Forums

Christian Singles Chat

Christian Women Today Chat

Church USA Bible Chat

Cross Daily christian Chat Rooms

Crosswalk Chat Community

Cybergrace Fellowship Chat

Dake Bible Discussion Board-Continuing Dr. Dake's teaching and legacy

Evangelize America Forums

Faith-In-Jesus Discussion Boards

Holy Club Wesleyan Discussion Group

OmniChat Bible Chat

OmniChat Christianity Chat

Paltalk Bible Trivia

The Pastor's Refuge-A ministry to Pastors and church leaders.

Religious Open Forum

711 Web Cafe Christian Chat Network

Steve's Theology Chat

Theology Forums

Theology Online Forums

Town Hall Chat-Conservative political discussion


He Died For You

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